By: W.A. Davis, St. Mary’s Arts Council

Our Monday Spotlight is shining brightly on Julia Belvin!

In honor of March being recognized as Youth Art Month, our featured artist is local high school student Julia Belvin! Julia is the founder of “Creative Heart Art Talk” (CHAT), a program with the mission of “striving to advocate, educate, and provide opportunities to improve the mental health of young people in the community through art”.

Julia has dedicated countless hours developing projects and reaching out to the community through her tireless volunteer work. She has led art activities at locations such as The Center for Children, nearby churches and soup kitchens, and various schools of different grade levels, to name just a few. We had the pleasure of meeting Miss Belvin in person last December when she delivered three big bags overflowing with art supplies to us for a collection of items for local children in the foster care system.  

Be sure to visit CHAT on Facebook (@CHATarttalk) to learn more about this amazing program. Also found on this FB page are free art lessons and tutorials which people of all ages may enjoy. Thank you for all that you do for our community, shine on Julia Belvin!