By: David M. Higgins II

For those of us that have lived in Maryland for our entire life or even a significant portion, we know Maryland has an extensive and rich history. and the landscape is just as rich and extensive. From sandy beaches to busy ports, rocky mountains and cliffs, and pristine forests. We have it all. We also have been the butt of many jokes for our peculiar ways, and we actually find a handful funny. If you can think of any we missed, add them to the Facebook post!

  1. Yes, we love our Old Bay(Bae)

2) There is NO OTHER Ocean City!!!

3) Speaking of Ocean City, it’s a right of passage for all graduating seniors!

4) Yes, we love Lacrosse and Crabs!

5) We have a whole Bay full of them and growing up it was on everyone’s mind in the summer!

6) Speaking of crabs… if you’ve never tried to pick up a live one for fun… you’re not from here!

7)Often imitated( Maryland-Style), but never duplicated!

8) It’s better to stay home when it rains…

9) But when they say it might snow…

10) And while you’re at it, check out the highways in between rain and snow… it gets no better.

11) But one thing about Maryland’s landscape is the weather changes just like it…

12) Don’t believe us? We have these days 80% of the year…

13) We even have a dark side…

14) We live in a border state, but some feel they are genuine cowboys…

15) And RenFest… where we eat huge turkey legs and watch our State Sport of Jousting!

David M. Higgins II is an award-winning journalist passionate about uncovering the truth and telling compelling stories. Born in Baltimore and raised in Southern Maryland, he has lived in several East...